Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Floating Ink . . . suminagashi paper marbling

Still in progress, but nearly finished . . . I've been paper marbling, using suminagashi (Japanese marbling) a technique I first practiced in a Print and Bind workshop with Emily Martin.

It is possible to achieve very subtle marks with this technique, and I want to use it as a background for a piece of work inspired by walking the sea-wall in Mersea, which must be completed this week as I'm taking part in Colchester open studios with Neti Love, clever letterpress printmaker (and my lovely sister-in-law).

Colchester Open Studios, Saturday 30th September & Sunday 1st October, 11am - 5pm
Click here for further information about all the artists in the scheme.

Suminagashi is a simple process . . .  using just water, ink and a surfactant,

alternately float the ink and surfactant onto the surface of the water,
then lay a sheet of paper onto the water surface and gently lift off . . . and voila sheets of marbled paper!

Monday, 24 July 2017

Happy the bride the sun shines on!

Radio (as always) plays in the background, sunny and warm outside, . . . I'm in the cool of my shed binding wedding guest books for June and July weddings.
Laurie thought very carefully about what he wanted this book to be . . . size . . . text . . . even down to torn edges on the paper. 

It was edifying to work with him on this project, what a charming and considerate man he is!
As a surprise for the bride and groom, Rebecca's delightful friend Sophie arranged this book project with me. 

How lovely for me to work with two such kind and thoughtful people!
These are luxury, handmade wedding guest books made specifically for each couple, so that all their guests can sign and comment to commemorate their wedding day.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Artists Books at BABE 2017

Hope you didn't miss BABE 2017 it's done and there won't be another until 2019 . . . get it in your diaries now so you don't miss any of the marvellous bookishness that is the Bristol Artists Book Event 

BABE showreel 2017

The view from behind the desk . . .
Photographing my most recent piece in the studio
Some of the work that was on my stand.

This is based on the haunting sounds of curlews over the salt marshes in Mersea. Listened to from under the duvet (as I'm more of an owl than a lark) in the early dawn. 
A second curlew book.

This time with an individual in mind, perhaps someone waiting for the tide and all that it might bring.

 Small book of trees.
A small book of longing

Monday, 27 March 2017

Prep for BABE 2017

If you're in the Bristol area next weekend pop in, BABE 2017 has lots to see including loads of wonderful bookish work, a mini exhibition, performances, book making workshops . . . it would be great to see you. I'll be in gallery 3 

Working to a deadline is always creative and kind of concentrates the mind. At the tail end of last year I had loads of time (where has it gone!) and now in the final few remaining day I'm gonna have to do some serious binding.

These images are from proofing in early February.

Inspired by the sound of curlews calling in the early dawn (as I lay in my cosy, warm bed) I imagined who else might be listening to them at that time of the day. I thought about someone waiting on the sea wall for a boat to come in . . . waiting for the tide to turn.

Tidesman, is a customs officer who waited the arrival of a vessel.

Making masks and planning registration on the press.
A morning playing with colour when I'd lost my sense of direction! . . .
back on track colour wise.

World Book Night 2025

World book night 2025  https://www.bookarts.uwe.ac.uk/news/#wbn2025 Listen is made in response to reading,  The Overstory, by Richard Powers...