Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Floating Ink . . . suminagashi paper marbling

Still in progress, but nearly finished . . . I've been paper marbling, using suminagashi (Japanese marbling) a technique I first practiced in a Print and Bind workshop with Emily Martin.

It is possible to achieve very subtle marks with this technique, and I want to use it as a background for a piece of work inspired by walking the sea-wall in Mersea, which must be completed this week as I'm taking part in Colchester open studios with Neti Love, clever letterpress printmaker (and my lovely sister-in-law).

Colchester Open Studios, Saturday 30th September & Sunday 1st October, 11am - 5pm
Click here for further information about all the artists in the scheme.

Suminagashi is a simple process . . .  using just water, ink and a surfactant,

alternately float the ink and surfactant onto the surface of the water,
then lay a sheet of paper onto the water surface and gently lift off . . . and voila sheets of marbled paper!

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