Thursday 24 May 2018

Prepping for Turn The Page

25 - 26 May 10 until 5

Only a couple of days away and I'm busy getting new work ready for tpp 

Meresig is a new piece, inspired by listening to curlews on the estuaries around West Mersea.

It’s magical hearing the curlews call late of an evening in Mersea, this atmospheric song is surely one of the most evocative sounds of the British countryside, but curlews are in crisis. On mainland Britain between 1995 and 2016 the number of breeding curlews plummeted by a whopping 48%!

The RSPB are running a Curlew Recovery Programme, looking at how to manage land in a way that increases curlew numbers.

Please take a look

Memories. We all have favourite places, it could be some far-flung location, the coast or perhaps, your own back garden. This is a contemplation on a time and place, and the memories that can be held for us in particular locations.


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