Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Books, books and more books

Books, books and more books, that was Turn The Page 2018 . . . such variety!

It was a busy couple of days, full of lively chat (some glorious Norfolk accents!) and I met some delightful people from my side of the table.


The work you can see from my view-point is that of Thule Wright who makes enchanting, delicate paper reconstructions.

However, you cannot see my favourite work - Lost Between Shores, by Annette Kreiser beautifully printed and suggesting both fragility and sentiment.

Looking up from my table prompts me to ponder the mix of old and new.

I see the church of St Peter Mancroft through the enormous glass structure that is the Forum. Building work on the church began about 1430, not long before the first use of moveable type in Europe and the first great popularisation of books.

The Forum, built as a millennium project and finished in 2001 is home to the Norfolk & Norwich Millennium library . . . today it's filled with an enormous variety of artists books.

This is a casual connection, serendipitous, but a lovely connection nonetheless. It makes me think about the links through time and space to people and places and ideas . . .

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